The Rockefeller Foundation Site

Bellagio Center Residency Program

Connecting leaders to advance breakthrough solutions

About the Residency

Where else could an economist, a painter, an astrophysicist, and a poet work together to address the most pressing issues of our time? The Bellagio Center supports leaders to advance novel solutions and develop partnerships that may at first seem unlikely – unlocking breakthroughs essential to humanity’s well-being.  

The Rockefeller Foundation believes good ideas can come from anyone, anywhere. For more than 60 years, our Bellagio Center Residency Program has supported innovators, trailblazers, changemakers, and champions to advance specific breakthrough projects. Bellagio seeks to inspire collaboration across sectors and professions, political affiliations, and national borders. In sharing their knowledge, approaches, and perspectives, residents strengthen their work and collectively transform the issues that define our present and shape our future.

Based in Lake Como, Italy, the four-week residency offers participants the opportunity to unleash their creativity and advance groundbreaking work. Residents can take advantage of focused, uninterrupted work time in this unique environment while participating in an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural cohort. They form lasting bonds and stay connected to The Rockefeller Foundation long after their residency ends as members of the Bellagio Network.

The Bellagio Center has hosted some of the most ambitious, innovative, and committed leaders of our time — including more than 85 Nobel Laureates. Previous guests include economists Amartya Sen and Milton Friedman, United States Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former Deputy Chief Justice of South Africa Dikgang Moseneke, former United States Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, renowned author Maya Angelou, former President of Ireland Mary Robinson, and more.  


Application & Selection

All applications and participation are subject to the Bellagio Center Residency Program Terms & Conditions. The application and selection process for the residency program has several steps. Additional details can be found on Timeline.
Step 1
Pre-Application Questionnaire

To get started, complete the pre-application questionnaire by 5:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 to verify eligibility.

Step 2
Expression of Interest

Depending on your responses to the pre-application questionnaire, you will receive a link to complete an Expression of Interest online by 5:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on Monday, March 24, 2025.

Step 3
Register & Apply

After review of the Expressions of Interest, Rockefeller Foundation will invite a selection of candidates to register online by 5:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on Thursday, May 29, 2025. Once registered, you will have access to the full application. The deadline to submit your completed application and all supporting materials is 5:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time on Thursday, June 5, 2025.

Step 4

Applications undergo an Administrative Review to ensure compliance with our Application Rules & Guidelines, as well as Terms & Conditions for the Residency Program and website. Eligible applications will then be assessed by an expert panel based on four criteria: Impact, Clarity, Expertise, and Influence. Complete details can be found in the Evaluation Rubric

Step 5

Based on results of the expert panel, a subset of applicants will be invited to interview with Rockefeller Foundation staff in the Fall 2025.

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Questions & Answers

Be sure to review all the FAQs.
Who is best suited for this opportunity?
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What are the eligibility requirements?
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How is charitability defined for the purposes of the residency program?
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After completing the pre-application questionnaire, how do I access the Expression of Interest?
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How are EOIs and applications evaluated?
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The Bellagio Residency

An unparalleled opportunity to advance a breakthrough and forge meaningful connections.